11 places in Victoria Cascades and Bees
Through Timeless Past
Join a journey through the unique blend of natural wonders, cultural treasures, and historical marvels that await you. Start with the mesmerizing 'Water Ballet' before witnessing the harmony of bees and marmots in lush surroundings. Experience the enchantment of what was the missing Inner Harbour stage, and uncover secrets behind 'Pay to Play' locations. Discover how an artist found her kindred spirit in this urban landscape, and delve into a place that stood '200 years under the same flag'. Travel back in time with authentic Victorian living and contemplate the whimsical offer of a 'slightly used dinosaur bone'. Marvel at Canada's longest mural, challenge yourself with the ancient art of telling time the hard way, and savor the majesty of British Columbia’s official Christmas tree. Each destination offers Insider travelers a new perspective on history, culture, and nature, unveiling stories that make this region unforgettable.
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Unravel the mystery of Victoria's hidden gems and immerse yourself in the enchanting tale of the missing Inner Harbour stage, a captivating blend of history and intrigue.

Embark on a unique journey where art meets nature at the Water Ballet and marvel at the whimsical ecological charm of a bee-filled abode watched over by a lone marmot.

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5.1 km

61 Min

zu Fuß
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