11 places in Portland Heroes, Legends
and Hidden Journeys
Step into the eclectic tapestry of Portland's rich history and vibrant culture. This journey unveils stories of resilience, from honoring those affected by WWII internment to celebrating a Spanish-American War hero. Explore the oldest commercial building, a steadfast testament to the city's evolving streetscape. Relive Portland’s notorious past, teeming with tales of risk and reinvention as you venture into its infamous strip club scene and pay tribute to its flourishing LGBTQ+ community. Encounter legends old and new, including the world’s oldest performing drag queen, and dive into the 'fake legends' that have shaped Old Town's alluring mythos. From honoring suffragettes to uncovering the unsung heroes of LGBTQ+ advocacy, this tour is a tribute to cultural champions and historic milestones, promising a deep connection to the soul of this ever-evolving city.
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Regional, spannend und authentisch: Hier finden Sie Kriminalromane, 111-Orte-Bücher und vieles mehr. Entdecken Sie die Welt mit Büchern von Emons!
Hier geht's zum Online Shop des Verlags: https://emons-verlag.de/

Step back in time as you stand before Portland's oldest surviving commercial building, setting the stage for a journey through the city's riveting history and vibrant cultural heartbeat.

Encounter the unparalleled tales of daring audacity during Portland's 'dubious years,' and meet the legendary oldest performing drag queen in the world, epitomizing the city's rich tapestry of resilience and spirit.

Experience the highlights of Portland in your own way

Start, pause, and end your tour in Portland whenever you want
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Über die Tour

5.4 km

65 Min

zu Fuß
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