11 places in Lüneburg that you have to see
Immerse yourself in Lüneburg's historical and cultural heritage! Discover the old town hall and the famous fountain with the half-naked goddess, which is now the city's landmark despite its curious history. Learn the exciting story of the brave baker from the 14th century who slew 22 enemies and see the replica of his statue. Visit the historic printing works of the "Sterne" family, who once produced thousands of Bibles and today present interesting exhibits in the mosaic in front of the house and in St. John's Church.
Not to be missed is the water tower, which today offers a wedding venue for couples and serves as an exciting museum about the history of water. Visit the mystical Wandrahmpark, where prehistoric stone tombs and memorials to the dark days of concentration camp terror are fascinating. The Lambertikirchen excavations reveal lost stories and valuable finds.
In the idyllic Kalkberg nature reserve, where gypsum was once mined, you will find rare plants and bats. Experience the old cannons that once served as a warning against escaped convicts. Historical battles and heroic stories await you at Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Platz. Finally, let yourself be inspired by the simple, popular melodies of Johann Abraham Peter Schulz.
This tour promises a fascinating interplay of history, culture and nature - join us!
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Discover the mysterious stories of Lüneburg as you marvel at the impressive fountain in front of the town hall and follow in the footsteps of a heroic baker.

Enjoy the breathtaking view from the water tower and let the fascinating stories of the Stern printing family take you back to a bygone era.

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About the tour
About the tour

5 km

90 min

on foot, bicycle
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